About Us

Our sister company Ready Virtual Center with over 15+ years of experience in providing top-notch call center services always dreamt of having a software that can do all of the work, and can be automated starting with reports, all the way to providing leads and storing them all in one place. This is where our other sister company’s team of super genius techies from NCIT Solutions stepped in; not to mention these geniuses are passionate about AI, and are the elite in their field. Well; remember those super elite AI techies are from NCIT Solutions! Yeah; they had a few more things they wanted to add to the software; one of those things was; yup you guessed it, “Artificial Intelligence”! That is when CSC Dial came to life as an extremely powerful & smart solution with AI integrated functions into it, making it a super smart solution to any call center problem as well as it is an enhanced call making capability. The smart CSC Dial auto dialer can even be integrated with any application; and enhances your leads generation for outbound calling, as well as your customer support for inbound calls.
So what is CSC Dial you still say?
CSC Dial is a super smart auto dialer with AI integration for call enhancing features that can also be integrated with any application your heart desires, a sophisticated call center solution which enhances your leads gen efforts when outbound calling of prospects, enhances your customer support for inbound calls and is a highly customizable solution for all sizes of business!

What Makes CSC Dial So Special?

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Powerful, Keeping You Ahead of the Competition

Smart Artificial Intelligence Integration

Dedicated Customer Care & Account Manager

Uncompromising Speed

Integration & Customization



10m+ Calls Made

450+ Satisfied Clients


100% Reliable Lines

5x More Calls & Conversions